"a non-for-profit organization dedicated to player pro development"

AOFS - Expertise & Consultations

The primary role of AOFS and our Soccer Consultants is to assist the players, agents or clubs in problems dealing with soccer language or lack of professional or qualified representation issues and that can actually help the players or teams in expanding their opportunities in the field of soccer/football. We do the best of creation and implementation of programs specifically designed to give your organization or team the best tools to compete at any level of any league, amateur or professional!
Today soccer/football are very fast and require physical strength but also it’s very mentally demanding. Exactly in this segment [mentally demanding], we've experts. If you need free advice or want my analysis of an individual or group, contact us today or now [click here].
What is Soccer Psychology?
How Does it Help You?
Why Parents Need Soccer Psychology Too?
Are YOU Mentally Prepared for Soccer Games?
Contact US at FB or aofsca@gmail.com